Before your first day of University (in person or online) it’s always important to make sure you have everything you need ready to go. You may have years of packing a backpack for prior years of school, but is University different? Do you get a locker? What about textbooks- when should you buy them? No two students are exactly alike but hopefully, this checklist will be helpful as to a few items you may need as a first-year student.

  • Textbooks

One of the biggest differences of universities compared to the schools you may have attended in the past is the textbooks. After you register for courses, you may find yourself looking at your booklist and being confused as to where to start! One thing important to note is that not every class requires a textbook, occasionally even though a book appears on your list, the section you have signed up for the book may be optional or even different entirely from what is listed. The best place to get confirmation about textbook requirements for a course is the syllabus given to you by your professor. Although it may seem tempting to buy all your textbooks before your first day, the syllabus can often include vital information that could possibly change how you purchase your books. A common example is that there is a variety of courses that include virtual assignments that students need a digital code for that only comes with a new textbook to access. If that is the case, it is important to know so you don’t buy those books secondhand! 

Speaking of secondhand books- how do you buy used? New textbooks can often be pretty pricey and in the cases where it is a viable option, buying used can be a sustainable and cost-efficient way to get ahold of your books! The bookstore itself does often have used books for sale, these will be placed with all other books from that section but will be marked as used with a sticker or tag. These books will often come with a fixed percentage off compared to the new books they are offered alongside. However, the bookstore isn’t the only place to buy and sell your books, many external platforms such as Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace are used for students to buy and sell directly to one another. Another fantastic option to explore is the used book sales run by the CSA’s charity drives of Shinerama and 5 Days for the Homeless (run in the fall and winter semesters respectively). These drives allow students to sell their books by naming their price directly, and through small markups also raise funds for amazing causes! Typically these sales are run near the beginning of the semester, and considering how busy the bookstore can get in the first few weeks of each semester (prepare to wait in line for a while) they can be a great way to save time and money! 

To sum it up, you will most likely need textbooks for many courses, but it might be smart to wait until you hear from your professors/read your syllabi before you start buying. Things like online course codes may let you know to buy books new, but if you’re buying used be sure to check out the CSA book sales to save your time and money!

  • Supplies

As tempting as it may be to go over the top buying supplies, it is important to consider how you keep engaged in classes. Do you like to take physical notes or do you prefer to type everything out? These types of questions will inform what types of supplies will actually be helpful to your studies. However, as a general note there are a few things that every student should keep on hand:

  • A Laptop
  • Chargers (for your phone/ computer)
  • Headphones
  • Money (you never know when you’ll need an emergency coffee)
  • Pens and pencils (even if you are a digital notetaker some tests in person will need you to write on paper)
  • Snacks for your bag
  • Campus Map (find a digital copy here!)

Remember, every student will find there to be different things they rely on in their day-to-day classes and activities in Asper. Don’t panic to have everything in order for your first day, the bookstore will be the busiest it ever is in the first few weeks so keep that in mind when getting organized for your first year!